Game Writing Portfolio - Junior level

A new religion? A whole culture? Complicated relationships? Entertaining conversations? Try me! I am eager to write!

Currently I have a full-time job as a composer and game writer, I will update my portfolio when neccessary. Meanwhile, any offer are welcome!

Current skills

Writing Samples

Branching Dialogue Sample 1 - Low impact - 'The pilots'

Often times games need some variations and excitement and liveliness, but the time and resource limits narrow down the available options. In those cases otherwise simple situations are enhanced with creative, low impact branching dialogues. Just like this sample.

Branching Dialogue Sample 2 - Strong impact - 'The rescue'

Other times there are enough time and resources to craft some decision systems. This strong impact dialogue creates tension,  and has moral and gameplay consequences. Although it also stays in production limits, to not stir up the world too much. (No need to rewrite the whole world because of it)

Cutscene script sample 'Broyd's struggle'

Cutscene script sample 'Gravediggers'

NPC Character Study Sample - Gunshop owner - 'Winston'

Even "small" NPC characters need enough details to fit into the game world and to feel real. They are not as established as a main character, but their study is still providing enough information for other departments to have a solid starting point.

Their barks are showcasing examples of giving character depth with just a few words.

NPC Character Study Sample - Car mechanic - 'Jacob' 

Even "small" NPC characters need enough details to fit into the game world and to feel real. They are not as established as a main character, but their study is still providing enough information for other departments to have a solid starting point.

Their barks are showcasing examples of giving character depth with just a few words.

Lore sample - Fairy tail (not for kids) snippet - 'Little Death'

Half a page max, story sample to show some unique ideas. This one is a snippet from an unusal fairy tale about the Son of Death.
